Frank likes to look at the brand DNA of companies. His secret lies in combining it with a user-centred perspective, which he then uses to develop powerful stories and user experiences. For Frank, evaluating preliminary results as soon as possible is of the utmost importance: He advises his clients to quickly start testing the solutions that have been developed in the target group and at the company, even if they are not yet completely finished. Not only can better results be achieved this way, costs can also be saved by leaving behind routes that don’t work and making promising ideas even better.
“It’s fun for me to ‘crack the code’ when it comes to briefings. I want to understand the personality of a company, the people behind it, and of course the needs of the different target groups.”
Since Frank comes from the world of design, aesthetics and an empathetic approach to his work course through his veins. His many years as an Art Director can be seen in his work, and he has a feel for the demands of markets and customers in all design disciplines, from digital to print to interior design. Frank is a hands-on person, which is reflected in his recreational passions for DIY projects, tinkering and playing guitar.