Ronny is Business Development Manager with a passion and establishes contacts to potential new customers. His approach is to offer his contacts added value, and to let them benefit from die firma's expertise - with inspiring and selected content or references to relevant trends. This allows clients to better understand what the agency can offer them. Quality rather than quantity determines success in the generation of leads and the management of contacts. Ronny also has a great interest in newsletter marketing, as this enables him to reach real fans of die firma.

"I think it's important that all disciplines and people involved work closely together to leave a coherent impression and win the right customers."

As a trained media economist Ronny operates at the interface between business administration and the media – this is why he recognizes the potential of digital media to optimize economic processes and to exploit the changes taking place. When he is not lovingly cultivating contacts or scouting out the latest developments in his extensive network or the Berlin start-up scene, he likes to go dancing, relax his mind and body with meditation or read science fiction.